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Innovative & resilient technology

Clinical systems that are intuitive, secure and reliable require carefully considered technology platforms

Every development technology and platform we use has been evaluated against specific attributes to ensure that the right tool has been chosen for the right purpose. Our key attributes for this evaluation were security, performance, robustness, scalability, long-term viability and developer support.

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Microsoft .Net

The Microsoft .Net framework provides an industry standard, scalable software development platform that is continually evolving in-line with modern technology.

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Microsoft SQL server

Our system databases are built on an industry-leading platform capable of scaling across multiple servers to ensure resilience, high performance and security.

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jQuery has been used to provide a rich and responsive user interface that is compatible across a broad range of devices and web-browsers.

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The VMware vSphere platform manages our NHS cloud environment. VMware offers high-performance, scalablility, resilience and load balancing.

State of the art hosting

Compared to traditional self-hosted systems, cloud computing offers many benefits for hospitals and healthcare organisations. Enhanced security, resilience, performance and scalability enable our platforms to meet the demands and requirements of complex clinical implementations.

Technician administering  a server stack using a laptop computer


Industry standard Cisco firewalls provide a proactive threat defense that stops attacks before they connect. Dual- firewalls in each data-centre are configured with auto-fail, to ensure our environment is always protected.

We commission regular independent penetration tests to interrogate and validate our system security.


Our hosting platform has been designed to have no single point of failure. Our N3 hosted platform is fully virtualised, based on VMware vSphere technology. This has built-in redundancy guaranteeing 99.99% up-time.

Load balancing distributes traffic between multiple servers, across two UK data-centres. The iQemo database utilises SQL Server always-on groups to ensure no loss of data in the unlikely event of a database server failure.

Doctors talk while consulting a tablet computer and walking though the hospital

Perfomance and scalability

Our software platform itself has been designed to be a distributed across multiple application layers. By utilising load-balancing to spread traffic across multiple front-end servers we can ensure even performance for all our users, even during peak usage times.

As our userbase expands, cloud technology combined with our server monitoring allows us to very quickly scale-up our infrastructure, at no additional costs to our users, ensuring our systems continue to run effectively.

Would you like more information about iQemo?

We'd love to discuss how iQemo could support your organisation, people and patients.

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