
iQemo is live at Mount Gambier and Districts Health Service, South Australia – July 2023

iQHealthTech in collaboration with Altera Digital Health in Australia have celebrated the successful go-live of iQemo at Mount Gambier and Districts Health Service!

Mount Gambier Hospital sign
Mount Gambier Hospital sign

This go-live is an important milestone for all involved, as it represents the first of multiple South Australia Health sites to adopt iQemo. Mount Gambier and Districts Health Service have successfully transitioned from a paper-based systemic anti-cancer treatment prescribing and administration workflow, to the electronic andpaperless technology offered by iQemo, configured to meet the requirements of the Australian healthcare system.

The successful implementation of iQemo at Mount Gambier and Districts Health Service will bring many positive benefits to both the organisation and patients, by streamlining the electronic prescribing, pharmacy, and nursing workflows. Integrated with the state-wide EMR system, iQemo enables clinicians to electronically allocate validated treatment protocols to patients, facilitating a safer and more efficient end-to-end treatment workflow, and thereby ensuring the right treatment is delivered to the right patient, at the right time.

iQHealthTech look forward to the next planned iQemo go-live within SA Health, in the very near future.

About iQ HealthTech

iQ HealthTech was established in 2011 by a founding-team of software developers and a practicing consultant oncologist. With a team of subject experts working across design, development, implentations and customer success, the company develops people-centric technology with the goal of improving patient outcomes, everywhere. The company delivers innovative Saas and standalone platforms, including iQemo – the industry-leading, end-to-end chemotherapy prescribing and management platform used by NHS and private hospitals in the UK, and a growing number of hospitals worldwide. Learn more

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About iQemo

iQemo, from iQHealthTech, provides specialist chemotherapy prescribing. A complete end-to-end solution that includes predefined regimens, prescribing, scheduling and dispensing, through to chemotherapy administration and reporting. iQemo is used in NHS Trusts and private hospitals in the UK, and in a growing number of hospitals worldwide. Learn More

About iQ HealthTech

iQ HealthTech was established in 2011 by a founding-team of software developers and a practicing consultant oncologist. With a team of subject experts working across design, development, implentations and customer success, the company develops people-centric technology with the goal of improving patient outcomes, everywhere. Learn more

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